Action Kids

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Action Kids - Kids in motion
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Denmark's largest exercise concept for kindergarteners - Find us on Spotify!

A world of fun!

Action Kids is a different play and exercise concept, which aims to motivate kindergarten students to be more physically active. The concept is designed to be easy to follow for any and all children regardless of their age, gender, weight, and motor skills.
For more insight into our world, see this video!

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Latest news

Volkswagen Risskov keeps Action Kids running smoothly, and we would therefore like to highlight this collaboration. Thank you to Volkswagen Risskov!

Action Kids Activity

63 ud af 98 kommuner i Danmark har modtaget Action Kids

We are working hard to get Action Kids out to as many people as possible. In addition to Denmark, use the Action Kids also in some German municipalities, and it is only the beginning of our european adventure!

Action Kids is fællesskabende and all children are winners!

"We want to create a new generation where exercise and movement is a natural part of everyday life. We want to motivate the children and the young at heart from 2 to 102 years old to daily exercise and movement. It is fun and EVERYONE can be a part of it.
Action Kids - Denmark's largest movement. Because it works!"
Thomas Fedder, Projektleder for Action Kids
Thomas Fedder
The father of Action Kids